The Deep House (2021) Live Heart Rate Breakdown

When we heard that an underwater haunted house flick was catching the attention of horror fans, obviously our interest was peaked. Previous monitoring of haunted house films have resulted in record high heart racing numbers so naturally we dove at the chance to send our subject into the murky depths of The Deep House (2021).


A young and modern couple who go to France to explore an underwater house and share their findings on social media undergoes a serious change of plans when the couple enters the interior of a strange house located at the bottom of a lake and their presence awakens a dark spirit that haunts the house.

Where to Watch: Amazon Prime (Subscription)

Test Subject: Leah

Age: 40

Gender: Female

Fears: Aquaphobia : Often caused by a traumatic event during childhood, such as a near-drowning. It can also be the result of a series of negative experiences. These typically happen in childhood and aren’t as severe as a traumatic experience.

Resting HR: 57-62bpm

Walking HR: 80-85bpm


Our subject began the film with an extremely low heart rate resting near 60bpm. In the first twenty minutes those numbers wouldn’t change much as she sat watching a found footage style film making her dizzy with anticipation. A long road trip with little character development wasted precious moments in a movie with such a short runtime. Eventually, we would reach the underwater house and that’s when we began to see our subject’s numbers begin to rise. Fishy jump scares and a dark, creepy atmosphere kept her on edge. Surprises waited around each corner and by 46:00, our subject’s heart rate was hitting in the 80’s. At 50:00, we recorded her peak heart rate at an impressive 90bpm when the main characters entered a room filled with death and gloom. Each following minute was met with more sinister visuals which kept her pulse racing. Unfortunately some scenes were cut together extremely fast and it was difficult to see the chaos unraveling. During the finale our subject’s numbers dipped and she was able to keep her vitals in check as the ending failed to hit home.


The Deep House (2021) is an underwater nightmare that's slow to rise and flounders at the end. Click To Tweet The house is filled with jump scares capable of producing extremely high heart rate numbers. And although the filmmakers took advantage of the claustrophobic atmosphere, some scenes were either too dark or chaotic to fully immerse our subject. A slow opening and disappointing ending reduced her overall numbers otherwise this film would have had her hook, line, and sinker.

The Deep House (2021): Burns an average of 152 Calories

Catfish: 151 Calories

How many Fear Calories did you burn watching The Deep House?  Let us know in the comments below or on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook