Wind Chill (2007) Live Heart Rate Breakdown

Wind Chill is a supernatural horror film starring Emily Blunt and produced by George Clooney’s Section Eight Productions. Released in 2007, the ghost story failed to impress critics but won over fans for its claustrophobic atmosphere and haunting scares. Find out if this wintry thriller kept our subject in frigid suspense.

Where to Watch:


Two college students share a ride home for the holidays, but when they break down on a deserted stretch of road, they are preyed upon by the ghosts of people who have died there.

Test Subject: Amy

Age: 32

Gender:  Female

Fears: Claustrophobia

Resting HR: 60-65bpm

Walking HR: 80-85bpm

Movie Review


The opening of the film dragged with awkward road trip banter. But it wasn’t long before unease would set in. An eerie accident lifted our subject’s heart rate close to 80bpm. When strange shadows began roaming the forest we started to see tremendous elevations. A cold room full of surprises at 46:00 brought on her peak of 100bpm.

The entire film is shot in such a way that there is always an expectation of a jump scare. Imagine a horror movie scene where half the screen is taken up by a window, you know you’d be expecting a jolt. Wind Chill took place with a window almost always in frame. This maintained our subject’s extremely high level of anxiety and resulted in consistently high numbers.

Wind Chill


Wind Chill (2007) is an underrated but hauntingly effective ghost story reminiscent of a Twilight Zone episode. The characters lacked depth but the suffocating sequences were enough to keep our subject’s pulse accelerated for a majority of the film. There are a few laughable choices but the fear of being trapped will keep you on the edge of your car seat.

Wind Chill: Burns an average of 217 Calories

Frosty (Medium): 393 Calories

How many Fear Calories did you burn watching Wind Chill? Let us know in the comments below or on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook

FearScale Results



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