Shivers and Shredding: How Watching Horror Movies Can Burn Calories

When it comes to burning calories, activities like running, cycling, or hitting the gym often come to mind. However, there is an unexpected contender in the calorie-burning arena: watching horror movies. While it may seem like a sedentary activity, research suggests that the adrenaline rush and suspense experienced during horror films can actually help burn calories. In this article, we will explore the surprising ways in which watching horror movies can contribute to calorie burn.


Increased Heart Rate:

One of the primary ways horror movies help burn calories is through an increased heart rate. As the tension builds and the scary scenes unfold, our heart rate naturally accelerates. This heightened heart rate mimics the effects of moderate-intensity exercise, which can help burn calories. In fact, studies have shown that a 90-minute horror movie can elevate heart rate to levels equivalent to a brisk walk. So, the next time you’re watching a horror flick, know that your heart is working harder and burning calories in the process.

Elevated Metabolic Rate:

Watching horror movies can also lead to an elevated metabolic rate. The adrenaline rush and suspenseful moments trigger the body’s fight-or-flight response, causing an increase in metabolism. This temporary boost in metabolic rate can contribute to burning calories even after the movie ends. While the effect may not be as significant as a full-blown workout, every little bit counts when it comes to calorie burn.

Muscle Contractions:

Believe it or not, watching horror movies can also involve muscle contractions, albeit involuntary ones. Jump scares, intense moments, and suspenseful scenes can cause sudden movements, muscle tensing, and even jumping out of your seat. These actions engage various muscle groups, leading to small bursts of activity that burn calories. While it may not be as intense as a workout, these muscle contractions can still contribute to calorie expenditure.


Emotional Energy Expenditure:

Horror movies have the power to evoke strong emotions, such as fear, anxiety, and excitement. These intense emotional experiences require energy expenditure, as our bodies respond to the stimuli on-screen. The release of adrenaline and the emotional rollercoaster of a horror movie can deplete energy reserves, leading to calorie burn. While it may not be as physically demanding as a workout, the emotional energy expenditure can still make a difference in your overall calorie balance.

Extended Viewing Sessions:

Another factor that contributes to calorie burn during horror movie marathons is the duration of the viewing session. Binge-watching multiple horror movies in a row can keep you engaged and sitting for an extended period. While sitting for long periods is generally not beneficial for calorie burn, the continuous engagement and suspenseful nature of horror movies can help keep your heart rate elevated and your metabolism active throughout the marathon.


While watching horror movies may not replace traditional exercise routines, it’s fascinating to discover that this seemingly sedentary activity can actually contribute to calorie burn. From increased heart rate and elevated metabolic rate to muscle contractions and emotional energy expenditure, horror movies offer unexpected ways to burn calories. So, the next time you settle in for a scary movie night, remember that you’re not just in for a thrilling experience, but also a potential calorie-burning session.

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